

Interim Manager
Digital Transformation

Tech-driven maker and shaker,
ready to create value focused workflows on your next project

Key Assets



15 years leadership experience as GM, CEO and CTO in SMEs and Start-ups


Digital Transformation

Re-invent non-digital business models into data-driven approaches and platform economy.
Fast prototyping as low-coding tool expert.


Asia Network

strong business network and cultural understanding in Asia through 13 years based out of Shanghai


Analytic Thinking

quickly understand complicated systems and analyse issues with an out-of-the-box approach


System Architecture

8 years experience as low-coding system architect with tech- experiences in areas like
blockchain, 3D-rendering, VR/AR/MR, big data, SaaS, platform economy, machine learning, IoT and Industry 4.0

Deployment Areas

  • Digital Lab's

    Setting up digital lab's, incubators, accelerators and company builders within industry and non-startup companies that have recognized that their involvement in startups could be beneficial.

  • Digital Transformation

    Development of digital business models within non-digital organizations or implementation of digital action-plans developed by third party consultants.

  • Interim CEO

    Running and advancing an organization while a replacement for a vacant CEO position is being found.

  • Germany Office

    Establishment of Germany offices for Asian organizations incl location assessment, vision & mission, early hiring, it-structure and functioning as cultural interlink between Asia and Europe.

  • Asia Ventures

    Implementation of Asia-specific ventures within western companies like office setup in Asia, opening new markets, internationalization of startup's or acquiring Asian investment.

  • Fast Prototyping

    As expert in low-coding tools able to draft MVP's and digital prototypes within one week, helping organizations to quickly test business models and ideas before spending large budgets on building full products.

  • Interim CTO

    Running and overseeing the executive tech side of a company during a vacant CTO position until a replacement has been found.

  • System Engineering

    Design high-level plans for human-human and human-computer interaction, stakeholder incentivization and the beneficial usage of API's and platform economy.




Positions &



Berlin, GER
Sept 2018 — Dec 2019

Startup Shitcoingraveyard is a community driven rating engine for cryptocurrency assets built on a mix of data-analytics and decentralized expert rating.


+ leading dev-team
+ designed all rating engines incl stakeholder incentivization modelling of decentralized approach
+ designed prediction market mechanics
+ designed and implemented customized CMS including publishing workflow and API-integrations
+ designed cloud-based data-analytics and data-miningdesigned and implemented all internal structure (ERP-system)
+ sourced and onboarded core-partnerships to Korea through personal Asia network

Startup Asia Berlin


Berlin, GER
March 2018 — present

SUAB (Startup Asia Berlin) is an initiative by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises to connect the Berlin Start-up Ecosystem to counterparts in Asia.
This includes a yearly conference (Asia-Pacific Week Berlin), Delegation Trips to and from Asian Start-up hubs and extending the network throughout the regions. As SUAB Ambassador Marten consults and promotes SUAB and get in frequent contact with governmental partners, investors, start-ups and ecosystem-builders throughout China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Berlin.


+ consult on tech-related issues
+ consult on future-tech
+ plan and co-organize the Asia-Pacific Week
+ connect people through professional network

Researcher &
Protocol Architect

Berlin, GER
Jan 2018 — July 2018

Project BlockRate resulted in a research white-paper that describes a decentralized rating market designed as smart contracts on the blockchain to rate crypto-currencies through a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organisation). This setup allows for a fair and transparent rating of assets by a community without a conflict of interest or any involvement of any of the rated assets.


+ design decentralized governance
+ design rating engine
+ design stakeholder incentivization
+ writing of actual paper


Founder &
System Architect

Berlin, GER
July 2016 — Dec 2019

SOOOM is a 3D-animation production-house servicing B2B industrial clients from the US, China and Europe with photo realistic animations.


+ vision, strategy and executive leadership
leading of distributed project teams within 20+ countries
+ digitized business-logic and built automations
+ design, low-coding, testing and implementation of the entire ERP-system using Podio, PHP and Globiflowlean startup and incorporation of Czech S.R.O. and a German branch office
+ Setup of marketing network through international multiplier
+ holder of 85% equity, currently board-member but not active in operations any more


Advisor & Mentor

Remote and on Site
2016 — present

Freelance Assignments for companies in creative industry, advertising and blockchain with company building, ideation and workshops.

Some projects:

Colocation GmbH Bremen (Advertising Consultancy)
+ Concept M Research & Consulting GmbH (Ideation)
+ Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises (Tech Support, Startup Network, Event Planning)
+ Mentor younger entrepreneurs and advise projects and startups.

Public Speaking

Keynote Speaker & Moderator

2016 — present

On conferences, public events and workshops.
Some recordings:

+ "Approaching Singularity" in Shanghai, 2016 [ENG]
+ "Singularity" at SAP Berlin with people of the Berlin Senate of Economy [GER]
+  "Brain-Computer Interfaces"at De:Days Mallorca [ENG]
+ "DAO's and the Future of Work" [ENG]

The Looop CGI

Founder & Operations

Shanghai, CN
Jan 2007 — Jan 2015

3D-production house of The Looop Network.


+ from 2006: research and setup of the entire 3D/CGI-pipeline within The Looop Studios
+ Company Setup in Shanghai’s competitive advertising market with 51% company ownership.
+ CGI/3D Project Management, recruitment, Account Director, render-farm hardware design
+ from 2010: operations as general manager, scaling team from 2 to 15 people in one year.
+ from 2011: added motion picture department and became the most advanced brand in CG-productions in China's automotive and advertising industry
+ Partner Jen Halim and Marten sold the company end of 2014 with a 25 people team.

The Looop Studios

Project Manager

Shanghai, CN
March 2003 — Aug 2009

1000sqm photo/film studio in an ex-military airport hangar. Specialization on automobile with clients like VW, General Motors, SIAC and others.


+ Studio design and setup
+ Vision, Strategy and Team Lead
+ Key Account Management
+ setup a marketing-agency that sold German car photographers services to Chinese clients
+ International relationships and partnerships
+ 49% ownership

The Looop Productions


Shanghai, CN
Feb 2005 — Aug 2012

Setup of strong production team focused on helping international clients to produce in China.


+ Project Management and Executive Film/Photo Producer
+ Cultural Catalisator between China and Western Teams
+ Organisation, castings, customs handling of film equipment, location booking, highway/roads permits/blocking, negotiations with Chinas governement officials and police, handling celebrities and models, security for secret prototype cars
+ Clients included BMW (5-series long), Volvo (S80), Siemens (4 different departments), Apple, Morgan Stanley, Roland Berger and many more.



Shanghai, CN
Mar 2003 — Aug 2006

Freelance Assignments in Chinas dynamic and young advertising market


+ Fashion
+ Beauty
+ Celebrities
+ Transportation and Cars



Hamburg & Berlin, GER
Nov 1999 — Feb 2003

Freelance Assignments in Germany's Magazine and Fashion Landscape.

+ Learned how to develop actual film
+ Learned photoshop in 2000
+ Developed a distinct visual language consisting of composings and model/fashion photography that was recognized among German magazines of the time.